Monday, May 16, 2011

Samsung Corby, Cauterized Warts, and Hiphop Caps

May 16, 2011, Monday
Dear online diary, 3 things today:

1.) I officially hate my SAMSUNG CORBY phone. It responds so freakin' slowly, has very few shortcuts (unlike all Nokia phones I have been using ever since), hangs up a lot of times for its first 4 days of its use, and its proud Wifi capability is not working at our Wifi-equipped home. It looks good but really, its performance sucks. Sorry SAMSUNG, I gotta be honest.

2.) I'll be left-handed for at least a week because I got my warts in my right palm cauterized. Such a pain in the ass. I can't go to gym or play the guitar for a week. !@#$%

This is what my right palm looks like right now.

3.) I will have a new image starting today. I bought three pieces of plain hiphop caps for only P150 each. No logos, works in my taste's favor, just plain colors - blue, red, and green. I have never tried wearing these things out in the open in my life so I'll be trying this fashion for the first time for a change. My friends tell me it looks good on me but I hope I won't look like "jejemon" to others. I came up with this idea because it's also my first time growing my hair long. And my hair today is the longest it has ever been so I think these hats could compliment it only with its current length.

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